Implementing DSHOT

Programmed a microcontroller for simultaneous motor communication using the bidirectional dshot communication scheme, enabling the reception of motor RPM feedback. Integrated these capabilties into a lab-wide UAV flight stack.

Tags: Microcontroller Programming, Control Systems, Digital Communication, Robotics, Signal Processing

Skills: C++, Python, Microcontroller Programming, Git


Flight Competition

Collaborated in a team of 4 to analyze the effect of an aircraft's geometric parameters on flight performance. Subsequently designed and built our own model aircraft to minimize weight and maximize speed in a end of semester flight competition. Awarded third place out of fifteen teams.


Mini Projects


Jet Engine Design

Worked with teammates to analyze the effect of design parameters on thrust, efficiency, and noise output for a two-spool turbofan engine. Subsequently designed our own turbofan engine to maximize thrust and efficiency.


This Website

I used GitHub pages & Jekyll to generate this personal website, learning some of the basics of HTML, Markdown, and CSS along the way.